
M.S. Concentrations Ph.D. in Earth and Atmostpheric Sciences

Welcome from the Graduate Coordinator

Welcome to the Department of Geosciences at Mississippi State University! I hope you found this graduate program webpage because you are interested in graduate study in the Department. We actively seek academically strong graduate students for our Earth and Atmospheric Science Ph.D. program and our traditional thesis-based M.S. programs in Professional Meteorology, Geography, Geology, Geospatial Sciences, and Environmental Geosciences. We also offer a non-thesis M.S. program in Broadcast Meteorology, Geospatial Sciences, and Environmental Geosciences.  These non-thesis track programs, which are considered terminal, are designed to provide students with a practical, advanced education with more coursework in the chosen discipline. Our distance learning programs also offer several non-thesis track degrees in Applied Meteorology, Environmental Geosciences, and Teachers in Geosciences.

If you are considering us for your graduate education, we encourage you to submit your application no later than January 15, 2022 for a Fall 2022 semester admission, especially if you intend to apply for a graduate assistantship. The application process involves two steps.  First, you should apply for admission to the Graduate School for your desired application term through  Second, you can check our graduate assistantship information page at and fill out the online assistantship application so you may be considered for graduate funding.  Graduate applications are reviewed when completed application portfolios are received by the department, and graduate assistantship decisions begin to be made soon after the January 15th application deadline, with offers typically made no later than March of a given academic year. We strongly encourage all new students to begin their studies in the Fall semester, although Spring semester admissions will be considered in extraordinary circumstances.  We also strongly encourage you to visit our Geosciences Department, MSU, and Starkville.

Please visit our faculty pages to learn more about each professor’s research interests, and please feel free to contact individual faculty members or me if you have any questions. The MSU Graduate School provides additional helpful information about the admissions process, financial aid, and the University community. We appreciate your interest in our programs, and we look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,
Andrew Mercer, Ph.D.
Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Department of Geosciences, Mississippi State University.

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